Models a feed

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Models a feed

2024-05-22 08:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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This example shows how to process impulse response of a channel using serdes.FFE System object™.

Use a symbol time of 100 ps and 16 samples per symbol. The channel has 16 dB loss.

SymbolTime = 100e-12; SamplesPerSymbol = 16; dbloss = 16;

Calculate the sample interval.

dt = SymbolTime/SamplesPerSymbol;

Create the FFE object with fixed mode of operation.

TapWeights = [0 0.7 -0.2 -0.10]; FFEMode = 1; FFE1 = serdes.FFE('SymbolTime',SymbolTime,'SampleInterval',dt,... 'Mode',FFEMode,'WaveType','Impulse',... 'TapWeights',TapWeights);

Create the channel impulse response.

channel = serdes.ChannelLoss('Loss',dbloss,'dt',dt,... 'TargetFrequency',1/SymbolTime/2); impulseIn = channel.impulse;

Process the impulse response with FFE.

impulseOut = FFE1(impulseIn);

Convert the impulse responses to pulse, waveform and eye diagram data for visualization in later steps. Initialize the pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS).

ord = 6; dataPattern = prbs(ord,2^ord-1)-0.5; pulseIn = impulse2pulse(impulseIn,SamplesPerSymbol,dt); waveIn = pulse2wave(pulseIn,dataPattern,SamplesPerSymbol); eyeIn = reshape(waveIn,SamplesPerSymbol,[]); pulseOut = impulse2pulse(impulseOut,SamplesPerSymbol,dt); waveOut = pulse2wave(pulseOut,dataPattern,SamplesPerSymbol); eyeOut = reshape(waveOut,SamplesPerSymbol,[]);

Create the time vectors.

t = dt*(0:length(pulseOut)-1)/SymbolTime; teye = t(1:SamplesPerSymbol); t2 = dt*(0:length(waveOut)-1)/SymbolTime;

Plot the pulse response comparison, waveform comparison, and input and output eye diagrams.

figure plot(t,pulseIn,t,pulseOut) legend('Input','Output') title('Pulse Response Comparison') xlabel('SymbolTimes'),ylabel('Voltage') grid on axis([47 60 -0.1 0.4])

figure plot(t2,waveIn,t2,waveOut) legend('Input','Output') title('Waveform Comparison') xlabel('SymbolTimes') ylabel('Voltage') grid on

figure subplot(211),plot(teye,eyeIn,'b') ax = axis; xlabel('SymbolTimes') ylabel('Voltage') grid on title('Input Eye Diagram') subplot(212),plot(teye,eyeOut,'b') axis(ax); xlabel('SymbolTimes') ylabel('Voltage') grid on title('Output Eye Diagram')




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